December 23, 2018

Transition Elements Practice Sets

Chemistry Questions (Practice Sets)Transition Elements
JEE Syllabus

Transition elements (3d series): 
Definition, general characteristics, oxidation states and their stabilities, colour (excluding the details of electronic transitions) and calculation of spin-only magnetic moment; 

Coordination compounds: nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds, cis-trans and ionisation isomerisms, hybridization and geometries of mononuclear coordination compounds (linear, tetrahedral, square planar and octahedral). 

Preparation and properties of the following compounds: Oxides and chlorides of tin and lead; Oxides, chlorides and sulphates of Fe2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+; Potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, silver oxide, silver nitrate, silver thiosulphate.



1. What are transition elements?
2. Zinc is not a transition element strictly. Why?
3. Give the 10 elements in 3d series.
4. The outer electronci configuration of copper is ------------ .
5. The outer electronci configuration of chromium is

General characteristics of 3d series elements

1. Comment on the brittleness and hardness of 3d series elements.
2. Comment on the melting and boiling points and heat of vaporization of 3d series elements.
3. Comment on the densities 3d series elements.
4. Comment on the ionization energies of 3d series elements.
5. Are 3d series elements electropositive or electronegative in general?
6. With respect to colour of compounds what is special about 3d series elements?
6a. What is the colour of zinc compounds?
7. What are complexes and what is the speciality of 3d series elements with respect to this concept?
8. What is an oxidation state and what is the speciality of 3d series elements with respect to this concept?
9. What is paramagnetism and diamagnetism and in general 3d series exhibit which type of magnetism and why?
10. Do 3d series elements form alloys easily? Why?
11. What is an interstitial compound? How is the concept related to 3d series elements?
12. What is a catalyst? Do 3d series elements act as catalysts?
13. Where is V2O5 used as a catalyst?
14. What is the catalyst in Haber Process?
15. Mention the use of nickel as a catalyst?

Oxidation states and their stabilities

1. The highest oxidation state of chromium is
2. The highest oxidation state of manganese is
3. The oxidation states exhibited by zinc are
4. the lowest oxidation of chromium is
5. The highest oxidation state of iron is
6. The unstable oxidation states of chromium are
7. The unstable oxidation states of manganese are
8. The unstable oxidation states of iron are 
9. The unstable oxidation state of cobalt is

Colour (excluding the details of electronic transitions) 

1. General the compounds of 3d series elements are coloured. Why?
2. what is colour of Fe(III) ions?
3. what is the colour of Mn(III) ions?
4. what is the colour Zn(II) ions?
5. what is the colour of Co(II) ions? 

Calculation of spin-only magnetic moment
1. what is the formula for calculating magentic moment?
2. what are the units of magnetic moment?
3. What are ferromagnetic substances?
4. What determines the level of paramagnetic character of an element?

Coordination compounds:

1. Define coordinate compound.
2. what is a ligand?
3. What are cationnic complex and anionic complex?
4. What coordinate sphere?
5. What are chelate ligands?
6. How do you determine charge of a complex ion?
7. What is coordination number?

Nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds,

1. IUPAC name of [Fe(CN)-6]^3- ion is
2. The IUPAC name of [Ni(CO)-4] is
3. The IUPAC name of [Ni(CN)4}^2- is
4. IUPAC name of K3[Co(NO2)6] is
5. IUPAC name of [Pt(NH3)4(NO2)Cl]SO4 is
6. IUPAC name of K[Ag(CN)2] is
7. IUPAC name of K4[Fe(CN)6] is
8. IUPAC name of Na2[Fe(CN)5(NO)] is 

cis-trans isomerism
1. Explain the concept of geometric isomerism or cis-trans isomerism in coordinate compounds.
2. What geometries are adopted by compounds having coordination number 4?
3. Do a coordinate compound having tetrahedral geometry exhibit cis-trans isomerism?
4. Geometrical isomerism is not exhibited by complexes of the type MA-4, MA-3B or MAB-3 (where M = metal, A and B are anionic ligands). Why?
5. Square planar complexs of the type MA-2X-2, MA-2XY, MABX-2, MABXY can exist as geometrical isomers(A,B are neutral and X and Y are anionic ligands). Why?
6. Give five examples of cis-trans isomerism.

ionisation isomerisms, 

1. Explain what is meant by ionisation isomerism.
2. Explain ionisation isomerism with an example.
3. Give give examples of ionisatin isomerism.

hybridization and geometries of mononuclear coordination compounds (linear, tetrahedral, square planar and octahedral).

1. what orbitals are involved in hybridization of central metal ion?
2. State the relatonship between coordination number, hybridization and geometry adopted by the molecules of coordinate compounds.
3. Explain the terms inner orbital complex and outer orbital complex.
4. Explain the terms low spin complex and high spin

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