December 22, 2018

Chemistry Science Fair Projects

Chemistry Science Fair Projects [Using Acids, Bases, Metals, Salts, and Inorganic Stuff] 

1.Identifying Substances
    1.1 Separating the Components of a Mixture.
    1.2 Separating by Chromatography.
    1.3 Using Density to Identify Liquids .
    1.4 Using Density to Identify Solids .
    1.5 The Density of Pennies, New and Old .
    1.6 Identification by Melting.
    1.7 The Melting and Freezing Temperature of Water (Ice).
    1.8 The Boiling Temperature of Water .
    1.9 Using Solubility to Identify Substances .

2. Conservation of Matter .
    2.1 Does Weight Change When Water Freezes?
    2.2 Lavoisier and a Chemical Law .
    2.3 Paper Clips, Washers, “Chemical Formulas,” and Laws of Nature .  Some Chemical Reactions            and

3.Their Reaction Speeds .
    3.1 Rusting of Iron.
    3.2 What Fraction of Air Is Oxygen?
    3.3 Preparing and Testing Oxygen .
    3.4 The Rate at Which Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposes .
    3.5 Factors Affecting the Rate of a Reaction .

4.Energy in Chemical and Physical Changes . 
    4.1 The Energy (Heat) Needed to Melt Ice .
    4.2 The Energy (Heat) Needed to Boil Water .
    4.3 The Heat of Condensation .
    4.4 Energy Changes During Physical and Chemical Changes .
    4.5 A Chemical Reaction: Reactants, Products, and Energy Changes .

5.Acids, Bases, Ions, and an Electric Cell
   5.1 Ions and Electric Current .
   5.2 Identifying Acids and Bases .
   5.3 Indicator Papers and Sticks.
   5.4 Neutralization .
   5.5 pH, a Measure of Hydrogen Ion Concentration.
   5.6 Building an Electric Cell .

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  subject:Chemistry Science Fair Projects ebook

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