December 23, 2018

Introduction to co-ordination compounds

Coordination compounds are a special class of compounds in which the centgral metal atom is surrounded by ions or molecules beyond their valency.

There are also referred to as coordination complexes or complexes.

Haemoglobin, Chlrophyll, and vitamin B-12 are coordinatio compounds of iron, magnesium and cobalt respectively.

The interesting thing of coordination compound is that these are formed from apparently saturated molecules capable of independent existence.

for example, when acqueous ammonia is addedt o green solution of nickel chloride, NiCl2, the colour changes to purple. The ni^2+ ions almost diappear from the solution. The solution on evaporation yields purple crystals corresponding to the formula [Ni(NH-3)-6]Cl-2. such a compound is called coordinatin compound. When this compound is now dissolved in water, there is hardly any evidence of Ni^2+ ions or NH-3 molecules. It ionizes to give a new species [Ni(NH-3)-6]^2+. the species in the square brackets does not ionise further. It remains as a single entity as an ion. 

This is the unique feature of coordination compounds.

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