December 2, 2018

Periodic Classification ONLINE MCQ TEST

Tag:  ONLINE MCQ TEST > Periodic Classification ONLINE MCQ TEST
This Quiz is a Simple test for +2 Science group students which contain Questions asked from  Periodic Classification-XI . Just participate in it and test your skill. 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

Set- 1       Set -2      Set- 3       Set -4        Set- 5       Set -6         Set-7       Set -8       Set- 9       Set -10

Set -1

  1. Among the following which has higher electron affinity value?
  2. Fluorine

  3. Among the following which has the maximum ionisation energy?
  4. Alkali metals
    Alkaline earth metals
    Noble gases

  5. Effective nuclear charge Z* is given by the equation
  6. Z* = Z – S
    Z* = Z + S
    Z* = S – Z
    Z = Z* – S

  7. Noble gases have _____ electron affinity
  8. High
    Very low

  9. On moving down a group, the radius of an ion
  10. decreases
    first increases and then decreases
    remains a constant

  11. The bond length of Cl2 molecule is
  12.  0.74 Å
    1.44 Å
    1.98 Å
    2.28 Å

  13. The electron affinity of an atom is
  14. directly proportional to its size
    inversely proportional to its size
    independent of its size
     none of these

  15. The metal having maximum electron affinity is
  16. sodium, Na
    calcium, Ca
    gold, Au
    silver, Ag

  17. The order of ionisation energy is
  18. s < p < d < f
    s > p > d > f
    s > d > p > f
    s < d < p < f

  19. The scale which is based on an empirical relation between the energy of a bond and the electronegatvities of bonded atoms is that of
  20. Pauling scale
    Mulliken scale
    Sanderson scale
    Alfred Rochow scale

  21. When X>> XB, A – B bond is
  22. polar covalent
    non-polar covalent

  23. The unit of electron affinity is
  24. MeV
    kJ mol–1

  25. Across the period, electron affinity
  26. decreases
    decrease and the increases
    increase and then decreases

  27. Comparing the ionisation energy of fluorine with carbon, fluorine has
  28. higher ionisation energy
    lower ionisation energy
    same ionisation energy
    none of these

  29. The value of C – C distance found experimentally in a saturated hydrocarbon is
  30. 1.34Å

  31. Pick the correct statement
  32. Carbon having more nuclear charge than boron
    The size of carbon atoms is larger than boron
    Carbon forms electron deficient compounds
    Carbon forms ionic compounds
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