December 21, 2011

Some MCQ Question for your knowledge

1. How many milligrams are in 0.2 decigrams?
20 milligrams
2000 milligrams
0.002 milligram
0.00002 milligram
2. What would be the volume in liters of 640 g of oil if the density of the oil is 0.8 g/mL?
800 liters
0.8 liter
512 liters
0.5 liters
3. Five 1 peseta coins from Spain were dropped into a graduated cylinder containing 20.20 mL of water. The volume of the water increased to 22.05 mL. A single coin had a mass of 0.99 gram. What is the identity of the metal used for the Spanish 1 peseta coins?
density of aluminum = 2.7 g/mL
density of zinc = 7.1 g/mL
density of copper = 9.0 g/mL
density of silver = 10.0 g/mL
4. The mass of a metal cylinder was determined on an analytical balance to be 50.208 g. The volume of the cylinder was measured and determined to be 5.6 mL. The density of the metal cylinder, expressed to the proper number of significant figures, is...
8.9657 g/mL
9.0 g/mL
0.11153 g/mL
0.11 g/mL
5. Two students, Garrison and Isabella, determined the mass of an object on two different balances. The accepted mass of the object was 2.355 g. Garrison obtained values of 2.531 g, 2.537 g, 2.535 g and 2.533 g. Isabella obtained values of 2.350 g, 2.404 g, 2.296 g and 2.370 g. Which statement best describes the results that were obtained by Garrison and Isabella.
Garrison obtained the better accuracy.
Isabella obtained the better accuracy.
Garrison obtained the better precision.
Isabella obtained the better precision.

6. The common isotopes of carbon are 12C and 13C. The average mass of carbon is 12.01115 amu. What is the abundance of the 13C isotope?
7. If the abundance of 6Li (6.015121 amu) is 7.500% and the abundance of 7Li (7.016003 amu) is 92.500%, what is the average atomic mass?
6.0750 amu
6.0902 amu
6.9250 amu
6.9409 amu
8. What do the following have in common?
20Ne     19F-     24Mg2+
They are isotopes of each other.
They are isomers of each other.
They are isoelectronic with each other.
They are different elements so they have nothing in common.
9. How many valence electrons does an oxygen atom have?
10. Fluorine atoms tend to...?...when they form chemical compounds with metals.
lose electrons
gain electrons
neither lose nor gain electrons...they usually share electrons equally with metals.
Fluorine atoms do not form compounds with other atoms...fluorine is an inert gas.
11. The identity of an element is determined by...
the number of its protons.
the number of its neutrons.
the number of its electrons.
its atomic mass.

12. Which of the following electron configurations represents the electron configuration for a magnesium cation...Mg2+?

13. The half-life of francium-212 is 19 minutes. How many minutes will it take for 1 gram of this isotope to decay to 0.125 grams?
4.75 minutes
9.5 minutes
38 minutes
57 minutes
14. The atom formed by the beta decay of carbon-14 is...
15. How many moles of CO2 are present in 220 mg?
5 moles
0.005 mole
5000 moles
10 moles
16. What is the percent water in hydrated calcium chloride...CaCl2·2H2O?
17. What is the empirical formula for a compound that contains 17.34% hydrogen and 82.66% carbon?
18. What is the molecular formula for a compound that is 46.16% carbon, 5.16% hydrogen and 48.68% fluorine if the molar mass of this compound is 156.12 g?
19. If 2.68 g of hydrated sodium sulfate, Na2SO4·nH2O, on heating produces 1.26 g of water, what is the empirical formula of this compound?
20. One mole of (NH4)2HPO4 contains _?_ moles of hydrogen atoms.
21. If 16 grams of O2 react with excess C2H6, how many grams of CO2 will be formed? The formula mass of O2 = 32 amu and the formula mass of CO2 = 44 amu. The balanced chemical equation is...
22 grams
13 grams
9 grams
7 grams
22. If 64 grams of O2 react with 45 grams of C2H6, how many grams of CO2 will be formed? The formula mass of O2 = 32 amu, C2H6 = 30 and the formula mass of CO2 = 44 amu. The balanced chemical equation is given in the previous problem.
132 grams
66 grams
50 grams
44 grams
23. How many milliliters of 2 M NaCl solution are required to make 1 liter of 0.4 M NaCl solution?
5,000 mL
800 mL
200 mL
0.2 mL

24. How many grams of NaOH are needed to make 100 milliliters of a 0.2 molar solution of NaOH?
0.02 grams
0.8 grams
20 grams
800 grams
. How many grams of NaHCO3 (baking soda) would you need to neutralize 500 mL of battery acid (H2SO4) that has been spilled on your garage floor? Assume that the concentration of the battery acid is 12 molar. The balanced chemical equation is...
1,008,000 grams
1,008 grams
504 grams
252 grams

26. When 157.0 grams of CaSO4 are dissolved in enough water to yield a volume of  7.25x102 milliliters of solution. The molarity of this solution will be...
0.0016 M
0.837 M
1.15 M
1.59 M
27. How many grams of carbon are needed to completely react with 75.2 g of SiO2? The balanced chemical equation is...
3.76 g
15.1 g
36.0 g
45.1 g
28. How many milliliters of 4.00 M NaOH must be added to 100.0 mL of 0.2000 M H2SO4 solution to completely neutralize the acid? The balanced chemical equation is...
0.04 mL
5.0 mL
10.0 mL
500 mL
29. In an acid-base titration, 42.90 mL of 0.825 M H2SO4 was required to neutralize 75.0 mL of NaOH solution. What is the molarity of the NaOH solution? The balanced chemical equation is given in the previous problem.
0.0009 M
0.071 M
0.472 M
0.944 M
. If you react 1.00 L of ethane at STP with 3.00 L of oxygen at STP, how many grams of carbon dioxide will be formed? One mole of any gas occupies 22.4 L at STP. The balanced chemical equation is...
1.96 g
3.37 g
3.93 g
5.89 g
31. What is the percent yield of water if 0.90 g of water is obtained when 29.0 g of butane is burned in excess oxygen? The balanced chemical equation is...
32. One of the functions of the catalytic converter in your car is to oxidize carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. If 15.0 g of carbon monoxide reacts with 9.0 g of oxygen, how many grams of which compound remains unreacted? The balanced chemical equation is...
0.4 g of oxygen remains unreacted
0.8 g of carbon monoxide remains unreacted
7.1 g of carbon monoxide remains unreacted
8.1 g of oxygen remains unreacted

33. What is the multiplicity expected in the hydrogen NMR spectrum for the hydrogen atoms marked by a "star" in the following compound?
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